How Do You Acknowledge New Seasons?

How are we already in September, my beautiful beings? Where did the time go? Here’s hoping your Summer was all you needed it to be and that the upcoming Fall provides a nourishing and bountiful harvest. 🫶🏾

"Everything will change. The only question is growing up or decaying." ~ Nikki Giovanni

Ya girl is doing a thing this month (as if that’s new news, right? 😆). Next week, I’ll join 300 Black Women business owners as we converge on the Goldman Sachs headquarters in New York City for the sixth cohort of their One Million Black Businesses: Black in Business program.

Now, why am I telling you this? Not for kudos (trust me, I’m still over the moon myself), but to ask, how do you celebrate the seasons in your life? After recounting the ease with which this application to acceptance process occurred with my therapist, she asked, “Have you considered the seasons of your life?” I had, but not deeply. Like, I knew things tended to happen around March and September relative to starting new jobs, but I hadn’t considered anything beyond that. With this program beginning in September, I began questioning how (if) others celebrate their life seasons.

To go a step further, we all appreciate that aging is part of life, but do we also appreciate how we change and evolve through that process, thus shedding or embracing hobbies, relationships, clothing, furniture, hairstyles, jobs, etc? Do we value and give gratitude to these season-changing experiences or lament what’s not happening or what we do not yet have ‘in the meantime?’

During this reflection, I found that anytime something left, whether it be a person, a job, or something I just knew was meant for me, anytime those things did not come to pass, it made space for something so much better. Something my pumpkin brain had not considered, but it was exactly what I needed when I needed it.

Soooooo, how do you acknowledge your life seasons, Reader?

“Just sit awhile and think…Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.” Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin In the Sun

Audacious Action

  • Invest 30 minutes into reflecting on what’s happened in your life's seasons.
    • What did you learn about yourself?
    • How did it shape who you are today?
    • What came out of those experiences?

What I've Enjoyed This Month

I, Matter! Coaching Updates

  • Applications for the Q4 Pro Bono 4x4 Coaching Giveaway are open! (this is the last public giveaway until its return in 2026)
  • An announcement next month, a Pro Bono partnership for our STEM baddies. 💻🔬
  • Finally, we’re accepting new clients! Book a discovery session if you feel stuck, need a new role, or wonder, "this can't be all there is to my life?"

I say this every month, but thank you for rocking with me! Your inbox is precious real estate, and it’s never taken for granted that you could be someplace else. Also, keep responding to these emails. I’ve enjoyed the email interactions.

​I hope to see you next month. Thank you for being here. Invite your friends to subscribe and join the party. ♥️

Insights for the Audacious Woman

Millions of ambitious Black Women juggle careers, aspirations, and constant pressure to achieve. But what if there was a guide to navigate the chaos, silence your inner critic, squash those limiting beliefs, and unlock your brilliance?

Read more from Insights for the Audacious Woman
woman in blue denim jacket holding white and black happy birthday signage

Happy August, my beautiful beings. I hope your weather has been more enjoyable than mine in New York City. Hot, humid, thunderstorms, and flooding, all on the same day! 🥵 I’m not sure if you recall, but in June, I mentioned Summer as my least favorite season but didn’t explain why. Then, someone was sleep-deprived in July and barely got out the newsletter. Well, here’s the backstory. “A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim.” ― Maya Angelou My...